The History of Our Club

Details - Development of the Club
Jay Alden, a student in digital photography courses taught by Don Dement and Michael Alloy in early 2005 gets an idea - why not a club devoted specifically to the demands and challenges of digital photography?
A planning committee is formed of Jay, Don, Michael, and Ed Bangs - another of Don's students. Several weekly planning meetings were held starting March 2, 2005 that defined the name of the club; the frequency, duration and location of club meetings; the kinds of activities to occur at meetings; and how the club would be governed.
Starting April 13, 2005, four club meetings were conducted that spring to help fine-tune the way meetings would be conducted. About fifty people attended each of the meetings. They were recruited by announcements in Don's and Mike's classes, flyers dropped off at local camera stores, and notices placed in the Capital newspaper.
The club was off and running. Click HERE for more details of the club's early development.


The Early Years
September 7th of 2005 was the official start of the Digital Photography Club of Annapolis. A business meeting was held at the Annapolis Library where fifty people were in attendance. Dues were collected, a set of proposed by-laws were accepted and a slate of club officers were voted. Jay Alden was elected President and Don Dement Vice-President (both were co-founders).
The Digital Photography Club of Annapolis was a reality. Club meetings were held twice a month alternating between the Annapolis Library on West Street and the library in Severna Park.
Most of the presenters in the first year were club members. Club meetings included projected display of members' photos in either Showcases or Challenges at the Annapolis Library and "table-topic" discussions at the larger meeting room of the Severna Park Library.
Two field trips were conducted during the year: one to Quiet Waters Park and another to Falcon Studios in Annapolis for a demonstration of digital painting.
Administratively, the club grew to 100 members by the end of the season in June 2006. It had purchased its own digital projector. It also had established a relationship with O'Reilly Publishers to receive free books to offer as door prizes and member discount on purchase of books.
The club created two websites: one public-access website for membership development and a member-only website used for communications, discussions, and posting of meeting notes, digital photography resources, and member photos. At the last meeting of the year, a new slate of executive officers was elected with Sandy Huberfeld becoming the new club President.
CLICK HERE for additional details of our club's first year.
CLICK HERE for a list of Club leaders and highlights since our first year.


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