FAQ Page

Welcome to our fledgling FAQ page. Over time we hope that here you will find answers to many things that puzzle you about the club or this web site. CLICK on the question to link to the answer.
We humbly request your patience. Thank you.
Q. What does FAQ mean?
Q. What's the difference between a member "Showcase" and a member "Challenge"?
Q. The LINKS menu lists a bunch of "Blogs". What's are they all about?
Q. How do I submit a question to the Tech Spot blog?
Q. How do I submit photographs(s) for a Club's Showcase and/or Challenge?
Q. How Can I Stop Receiving Group Email?
Q. What does FAQ mean?
The abbreviation FAQ stands for "Frequently Asked Questions". It is a term that has gained wide use on the internet and generally tries to explain in "plain english" some of the "geek speak" prevalent on web sites.
Q. What's the difference between a member "Showcase" and a member "Challenge"?
• A SHOWCASE is an event where members may present their images to the group. Any subject is OK and the image may have been taken at any time. The SHOWCASE allows members to present their photos and explain (if desired) their thoughts in approaching the subject.
• A CHALLENGE is just that - it challenges members to create an image on a specific topic during a specific time period. Challenges are announced well in advance stating the topic and time period. Usually, an outside "expert" is invited to review these images and provide positive feedback to the member.
Q. The LINKS menu lists a bunch of "Blogs". What's are they all about?
"Blog" is short for Web Log and is one avenue the DPCA officers will be using to communicate with the members. As an example, visit the "Tech Spot" blog to read the All About DPCA Blogs post.
Q. How do I submit a question to the Tech Spot blog?
Your questions are very important to everyone so submitting them is easy. Just follow the directions in the Welcome to the DPCA Tech Spot! post.
Q. How do I submit photographs(s) for a Club's Showcase and/or Challenge?
Everything you ever wanted to know about submitting images for a club Showcase or Challenge (including deadline extensions, file formats and sizes, etc.) are covered in detail in the Submitting Photographs to the DPCA post.
Q.How Can I Stop Receiving Group Email?
Revised instructions - coming soon!

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